Tag: Machine Learning

  • ResNet: A Powerhouse of Machine Vision

    ResNet: A Powerhouse of Machine Vision

    In the ever-evolving world of machine learning, there are a few architectures that stand out like monumental milestones along the path of progress. Among these pillars, ResNet has etched its name in the annals of deep learning history. To understand the significance of ResNet, let’s take a journey into the heart of neural networks. A…

  • Unveiling VGGNet: A Step Forward in Deep Learning

    Unveiling VGGNet: A Step Forward in Deep Learning

    In the realm of deep learning and neural networks, certain models have made their mark as significant contributors to the field. One such model is VGGNet, an architecture that revolutionized the way we perceive the depth of networks. Imagine standing on the shoulders of a giant, where you can see beyond the horizon. That’s exactly…

  • Spiking Neural Networks – Paper Of The Day

    Spiking neural networks are networks that incorporate a time dimension into their process so that each neuron builds up energy and then releases distinct spikes. This process is very different from the typical one and leads to essentially a whole different sub field of machine learning that pursues this biologically inspired process. In this paper…

  • Swarm Parallelism – Paper of the Day

    With the rise of massive networks there is a push to find ways to parallelism training in new ways to make research on them more accessible. The sheer size of these networks which now reach into the billions of parameters cut off many researchers from making advances in the field. There are various attempts to…

  • Adaptive Boosting From Scratch

    In order to better understand the process involved in adaptive boosting I made a simple boosting model myself recently. Which can be found here. Now I’d like to go through what is boosting and what it can do for us. Adaptive Boosting uses many decision trees with a depth of one to split the data:…